Currency Rules

Currency Rules

This document defines the relationship between the expiration dates shown on the Flight Currency screen to the information contained in the currency information for each user’s username. If a currency field shows expired, the explanation line will give the field on the user Currency Information that needs to be changed to bring the user back into currency. For example, if the FAR/Local Procedures Test shows expired when checking a user’s currency, the problem would be that the field FAR Local Procedures Test on the Add New User screen or Modify Existing User screen must be changed so that it is within one year prior to the current date.

Note: The failure of any rule (Waiver, Manager Grounding, etc.) with the exception of the aircraft type rules will prevent a pilot from checking out an aircraft. The aircraft type rules (C150 Written Test, C150 Flight Test, C150 Initial Checkout, etc.) only apply to the aircraft type that is being checked out (failure of a C150 checkout won’t prevent a pilot from checking out a C172). Depending on the pilot type, entering an instructor username may allow the pilot to continue checking out the aircraft.

Note: The rules may apply in different ways to a particular pilot type and this is shown under each of the rules. For instance, a Student Pilot Certificate applies to a student pilot, but does not apply to a Private Pilot under 200 hours, a Private Pilot over 200 hours, an Instrument Rated Pilot or a CFI.

Note: Any failure of a CFI to be cleared for flight will remove the flight instructor as a clearing authority.


Waiver date must be within one year prior to the current date


AR 215-1 M-9

Expires at the end of month:


Student pilot:

Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)

Private Pilot under 200 hours:

Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)

Private Pilot over 200 hours:

Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)

Instrument rated:

Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)


Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)


Safety Meeting


Safety Meeting date must be within the past 90 days


AR 215-1 M-17

Expires at the end of month:


Student pilot:

Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)

Private Pilot under 200 hours:

Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)

Private Pilot over 200 hours:

Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)

Instrument rated:

Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)


Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)


Student Pilot Certificate


Student Pilot Certificate date must be within two years prior to the current date


14 CFR PART 61.19

Expires at the end of month:


Student pilot:

Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)

Private Pilot under 200 hours:

Does not apply

Private Pilot over 200 hours:

Does not apply

Instrument rated:

Does not apply


Does not apply


Pre-Solo Written Exam


Pre Solo Written Exam date must be within 100 years prior to the current date


14 CFR PART 61-87

Expires at the end of month:


Student pilot:

Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)

Private Pilot under 200 hours:

Does not apply

Private Pilot over 200 hours:

Does not apply

Instrument rated:

Does not apply


Does not apply


Solo Endorsement


Solo Endorsement date must be within the past 90 days


SOP 4.9

Expires at the end of month:


Student pilot:

Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)

Private Pilot under 200 hours:

Does not apply

Private Pilot over 200 hours:

Does not apply

Instrument rated:

Does not apply


Does not apply


Dual Time Within 30 Days


Flight time logged in the computer must show dual time within the last 30 days


AR 215-1 M-16 h 4 (a)

Expires at the end of month:


Student pilot:

Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)

Private Pilot under 200 hours:

Does not apply

Private Pilot over 200 hours:

Does not apply

Instrument rated:

Does not apply


Does not apply


FAR/Local Procedures Test


FAR Local Procedures Test date must be within one year prior to the current date


AR 215-1 M-16

Expires at the end of month:


Student pilot:

Does not apply

Private Pilot under 200 hours:

Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)

Private Pilot over 200 hours:

Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)

Instrument rated:

Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)


Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)


Instrument Written Test


Instrument Written Test date must be within one year prior to the current date


AR 215-1 M-16

Expires at the end of month:


Student pilot:

Does not apply

Private Pilot under 200 hours:

Does not apply

Private Pilot over 200 hours:

Does not apply

Instrument rated:

Required to fly instrument (this is a warning only, the computer still allows the airplane to be checked out)


Required to fly instrument (this is a warning only, the computer still allows the airplane to be checked out)


CFI Written Test


CFI Written Test date must be within one year prior to the current date


AR 215-1 M-16

Expires at the end of month:


Student pilot:

Does not apply

Private Pilot under 200 hours:

Does not apply

Private Pilot over 200 hours:

Does not apply

Instrument rated:

Does not apply


Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)


1 hr/3 lnds 60 days - day Cur


The flight time (day or night) logged in the computer within 60 days prior to the current date must be greater than or equal to one hour and the landings (day or night) within 60 days must be greater than equal to three. A Day VFR Prof Check date within 60 days prior to the current date will override the requirement for 1 hr flight time and 3 landings during the day. If the pilot is night current, they will also be day current.


AR 215-1 M-16 h 4 (b)

Expires at the end of month:


Student pilot:

Does not apply

Private Pilot under 200 hours:

Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)

Private Pilot over 200 hours:

Does not apply

Instrument rated:

Does not apply


Does not apply


1 hr/3 lnds 60 days - night Cur


The night flight time logged in the computer within 60 days prior to the current date must be greater than or equal to one hour and the night landings within 60 days must be greater than equal to three. A Night VFR Prof Check date within 60 days prior to the current date will override the requirement for 1 hr flight time and 3 landings during the day. If the pilot is night current, they will also be day current.


AR 215-1 M-16 h 5

Expires at the end of month:


Student pilot:

Does not apply

Private Pilot under 200 hours:

Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)

Private Pilot over 200 hours:

Does not apply

Instrument rated:

Does not apply


Does not apply


1 hr/3 lnds 90 days - day Cur


The flight time (day or night) logged in the computer within 90 days prior to the current date must be greater than or equal to one hour and the landings (day or night) within 90 days must be greater than equal to three. A Day VFR Prof Check date within 90 days prior to the current date will override the requirement for 1 hr flight time and 3 landings during the day. If the pilot is night current, they will also be day current.


AR 215-1 M-16 h 4 (b)

Expires at the end of month:


Student pilot:

Does not apply

Private Pilot under 200 hours:

Does not apply

Private Pilot over 200 hours:

Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)

Instrument rated:

Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)


Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)


1 hr/3 lnds 90 days - night Cur


The night flight time logged in the computer within 90 days prior to the current date must be greater than or equal to one hour and the night landings within 90 days must be greater than equal to three. A Night VFR Prof Check date within 90 days prior to the current date will override the requirement for 1 hr flight time and 3 landings during the day. If the pilot is night current, they will also be day current.


AR 215-1 M-16 h 5

Expires at the end of month:


Student pilot:

Does not apply

Private Pilot under 200 hours:

Does not apply

Private Pilot over 200 hours:

Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)

Instrument rated:

Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)


Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)


Instrument Comp Check


Instrument Comp Check date must be within six months prior to the current date.


AR 215-1 M-16 h 6, 14 CFR Part 61-57 (c)

Expires at the end of month:


Student pilot:

Does not apply

Private Pilot under 200 hours:

Does not apply

Private Pilot over 200 hours:

Does not apply

Instrument rated:

Information only (does not effect the checking out of the airplane)


Information only (does not effect the checking out of the airplane)


Instrument Currency


Within the six months prior to the current date the pilot must have logged at least one Holding Procedure, one Navigation Intercept and six instrument approaches. An Instrument Comp Check date within six months prior to the current date will satisfy the Instrument Currency requirement.


14 CFR PART 61-57(c)

Expires at the end of month:


Student pilot:

Does not apply

Private Pilot under 200 hours:

Does not apply

Private Pilot over 200 hours:

Does not apply

Instrument rated:

Required to fly instrument (this is a warning only, the computer still allows the airplane to be checked out)


Required to fly instrument (this is a warning only, the computer still allows the airplane to be checked out)


Annual Flight Review


Annual Flight Review date must be within one year prior to the current date


AR 215-1 M-16 e 3 (f)

Expires at the end of month:


Student pilot:

Does not apply

Private Pilot under 200 hours:

Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)

Private Pilot over 200 hours:

Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)

Instrument rated:

Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)


Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)


Medical CL II


There are two cases for the medical:

1)     Special Medical – If the Special Medical is selected, the Medical Date is the date that the medical expires, i.e. setting a Medical Date of 03/21/99 for a Special Medical, the pilot’s medical will no longer be valid after 03/22/99.

2)     Class II Medical – The Medical Date must be within one year prior to the current date. When the Class II Medical expires, it becomes a Class III Medical for the CFIs.


14 CFR PART 61-23

Expires at the end of month:


Student pilot:

Does not apply

Private Pilot under 200 hours:

Does not apply

Private Pilot over 200 hours:

Does not apply

Instrument rated:

Does not apply


Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)


Medical CL III


There are two cases for the medical:

1)     Special Medical – If the Special Medical is selected, the Medical Date is the date that the medical expires, i.e. setting a Medical Date of 03/21/99 for a Special Medical, the pilot’s medical will no longer be valid after 03/22/99.

2)     Class III Medical – The Medical Date must be within two years prior to the current date if on the date that the medical was issued, the pilot was over 40 years old. The Medical Date must be within three years prior to the current date if on the date that the medical was issued, the pilot was 40 years old or younger.


14 CFR PART 61.23

Expires at the end of month:


Student pilot:

Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)

Private Pilot under 200 hours:

Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)

Private Pilot over 200 hours:

Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)

Instrument rated:

Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)


Does not apply


Note: In the following rules, the Aircraft Type rules will be repeated for each rental aircraft type (C150, C152, C172, etc.) in the database.

Aircraft Type Written Test


Aircraft Type Written Test date must be within 1 year prior to the current date. This rule will only apply if the user is trying to checkout an aircraft of this Aircraft Type. Note that the Aircraft Type may be any aircraft type in the computer (C150, C172, P28R, etc.) This rule only applies to rental aircraft.


AR 215-1 M-16 f 2

Expires at the end of month:


Student pilot:

Does not apply

Private Pilot under 200 hours:

Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)

Private Pilot over 200 hours:

Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)

Instrument rated:

Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)


Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)


Aircraft Type Flight Test


Aircraft Type Flight Test date must be within 1 year prior to the current date. This rule will only apply if the user is trying to checkout an aircraft of this Aircraft Type. Note that the Aircraft Type may be any aircraft type in the computer (C150, C172, P28R, etc.) This rule only applies to rental aircraft.


AR 215-1 M-16 f 2

Expires at the end of month:


Student pilot:

Does not apply

Private Pilot under 200 hours:

Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)

Private Pilot over 200 hours:

Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)

Instrument rated:

Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)


Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)


Aircraft Type Initial Checkout


Aircraft Type Initial Checkout date must be within 100 years prior to the current date. This rule will only apply if the user is trying to checkout an aircraft of this Aircraft Type. Note that the Aircraft Type may be any aircraft type in the computer (C150, C172, P28R, etc.) This rule only applies to rental aircraft.


AR 215-1 M-16 f 2

Expires at the end of month:


Student pilot:

Does not apply

Private Pilot under 200 hours:

Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)

Private Pilot over 200 hours:

Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)

Instrument rated:

Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)


Required to solo (can be overridden by instructor username)


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Copyright 2003-2021, Jim Covington
Based on the OpenFBO Booking System written by Matt Barclay
and the Meeting Room Booking System